Why use a professional commercial photographer?

First, a true story.


I took a photo for a PR agency a few years ago. They were looking for images to accompany a story they were writing about a client’s employee of the month. 

The employee had given up their Christmas morning to go for a sponsored charity swim in the sea. On the day of the presentation, I photographed him in his swimming trunks and goggles in a games arcade.


The agency had a call from one of the journalists who received the press release, saying that he thought that the story was worth a couple of lines in the newspaper. However, when he saw the photographs, he thought they were “absolutely brilliant” and decided to publish the full story and a few extra bits. 

A great result for the agency and for their client! And a testimony to the power of a good photo.

Employee of the Month at Cashino Hunstanton

High Quality Images Stand Out

High-quality commercial photography can profoundly enhance written content by making it more accessible and memorable, whether your written content is a carefully crafted press release, an advertisement or sales or lifestyle content on your website. Beautiful imagery will promote your business in ways that words alone cannot do.


We are in fact bombarded by imagery. Think about it – it’s all around us, and very often we’re the target. It’s created for us to consume – and act on. And the interesting thing is, you instinctively know what is good imagery, what works, and what doesn’t – because of the response it generates in you, positive or negative. And if that happens when others are trying to sell you stuff, then it also happens when people see the imagery that is associated with your business too. Your photos are crucial to your business story.


So, where can you get images like this? Often, businesses either use stock images or snap the photos themselves. However, for authenticity, quality and to give your business a competitive edge, there is nothing to beat professional photos. They are a long-term investment for your business and need to be sourced and treated as such.

So, how exactly will professional photos benefit my business?

They should grab your customers attention

What’s the first impression potential customers will get of your business when they search for you online, see a press story about you, spot an advertisement or view your social media? I guarantee it will be the images that they notice first. People are visual and look at images before they read content. In fact, what an image or photo says about you and your business, and its products and services, may well determine whether they read your written content at all.


They should provide you with authenticity

People buy from people they trust. The right imagery can help build that trust. When customers see your images, they mentally associate them with your company. It’s subliminal but powerful. Professional photos that show you, your team, your product and services will feel authentic in a way that stock images never can.


They should match the quality of your product

No matter how amazing your smartphone camera is, the results will not compare with the quality of professional photographs. Photographers have years of experience and invest heavily in their equipment. They know about composition, lighting, and how to make you and what you do look and feel great. They also know how to provide images to your web designer or PR agency and can talk knowledgeably to them about your requirements. High-quality photos are not snapped, or even taken – they are made, and a lot goes into their making.

If you would like to get in touch for a free consultation about how I can help you, please give me a shout, or if you’d like to read more about how to move forward with professional commercial photography, take a look at my articles on investing wisely in commercial photography, and tips for your commercial photoshoot